Thursday, May 11, 2006

Gamble Letter #17

1885 Minnesota train wreck
January 10, 1885

My dear Maggie we received your kind and welcome letter and was glad to hear that you were all well as this leaves us at present we got the cards grandma sent us and we liked them very much we were all very sorry to hear about grandma being sick again we are very sorry we are so far away from you when yous have so much to do this has been a very cold month it has been forty four below zero but we dont feel it very bad for we have a warm house a good many got all their potatoes frozen we do not know about ours for we have them in a roothouse and we cannot get into it for it is [4 lines missing] any day there has been a wreck on the railroad and eight engins are lying in the ditch and one engineer is not expected to live it was between here and St Paul they send out two engins on one train when the snow is deep we had a very good time at Christmas and new years we were at a teaparty across the river in Penbno and then there was Christmas tree in the schoolhouse at St Vincent where us little ones all got Preasants we are all going to start to school in a week or two Provisinous are very high Just now yous think wood is very dear there but it is eight dollars a cord here and scarce at that we have got off [2 lines missing] cheaper we think people will get up here for fifteen dollars a head as then emigrants will come by Prince Arthur landing I am sending you some receipts for knitting I think I have told yous all the news Pleas Do not be long in writing as we are always glad to hear from yous

good by for the Preasant
Ellen Gamble St Vincent

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